There are many things we human race for, examples are: wealth, fame, riches and so on, this kind of race are always endless because we humans will surely desire for more of it. So we will continue racing for it, matter the risk or cost we take it is just for us to receive what we desire.   The races in which we human run is to fulfill or lustful heart,. Giving a  illustration about sprinting, athlete are not allow to cross each.other, but if an  athlete violate the rules he is going to be disqualified and disallowed from running the race. There are competition every where in the world and there are certain competition we should not think of going for in life, there are endless races that waste the lives of human because they kept on running the race to achieve their own desires.    TO BE CONTINUED Econnects.


 There are many things in this world that means a race to all of us, there are many situation that gives us setback in what so ever we do in life, 

In academics, there are many students in a class wanting to be the "leading one", but whatsoever it is only one person that can be outstanding, we should never give up in what so ever we do, " NO ONE IS DORMANT ". It can be someone turn today and someone else's tomorrow, it doesn't matter what people say just know that life is a race.

In workplace, people work hard to attain a good and better position in workplace there are people who are just there as an antagonist some are there just to stop other from attaining their own position but they don't know that " NO ONE IS DORMANT ". In life there will always be a failure but ,failure rises a determined person up no matter what he faces, that is why those around us are not always trusted no matter how closer they are to you.

                              " TO BE COUNTINED "



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